**Sorry about the dimmed vocals - try hearing with headphones for a better sound for now. I will make adjustments with other recordings.
After a 3 year hiatus, I decided to record something. I went on a marathon recording spree and the songs that I just loved to record turned out to have bad karaoke tracks. I'm now looking for a clean and smooth track for Tune O Rangeele from Kudrat.
Back to this song however, I have recorded a song that I shied away from for years. The thought of attempting drunkenness in a song, while tiptoeing over notes and maintaining hiccups and giggles, seemed overwhelming back then. Now, of course, it's a treat. I am sad that this track does not have the original starting of Aao Huzoor (Humse roshan hain chaand aur taare...) which truly is a test of a singer's fluidity of voice if balance of sur perfection and timing is maintained.
I have tried to ooze as much drunken appeal into this song as I could while sipping on saffron-scented chai; quite contrary to the many glasses of madira the actress and the singer seem to have imbibed to maintain the mist of intoxication in this song. Naturally Asha Bhosle is one gifted singer and does not require tea or alcohol to make her silky voice glide over this song. If we mortals could only sing like her, we'd all be quitting our day jobs.
In the song's prelude, an intoxicated Babita reminds her Krishna that if he breaks her heart, his Radha will never again be the same. Babita slithers over the dance floor with her gorgeous dress managing somehow to hold her balance while infuriating and taunting Biswajit with her song. I love the juxtaposition of Eastern morality versus Western influence, in this song, as is dramatized by the increasing disgust on the hero's face. It's funny how so much has changed and yet remains the same, from a cultural perspective. Please provide me with your feedback. Thank you!
Very good expressions! Nice to hear you back in action. Look forward to hearing more.
Very Nice Rendition, enjoyed it!
Nice to hear your voice. I am not an expert... I hear instruments having more gain than your voice.
The variations are very good, so are the subtle expressions. Great job K!
Btw, why have you signed off as "Meera"? Is that your pen name?
Great job! Nice singing. Keep the recordings coming :)
"Kharach changla mhanlay!Avajat Madhurya ahe" - Aai
Wah Wah! Kya adaa hai, hum tumpe fida hai! <3
Loved the recording. Absolutely loved the variations. You are truly talented and gifted with a wonderful voice. You should record more often.
u were fabulous..r fabulous n always remain :) koi shaq ? lukng forward to hear u more !!!
Lovely job - this is a very very tough song to sing! Beautifully sung - aasha ji ki yaad taaza ho gayi!
I have not heard the original song.. all I can say is you sound just like you were the "original".. I would have thought this is the real deal!! well done K.. keep going!! on a side note, you really do sound drunk! Were you? ;)
kai surekh mhatla ahe ..wah wah..
What a voice, the recording is awesome. Heard you first time, Kaumudee, Performance and rendering of song go hand and hand with your cheerfulness and smile. Music and smiling act as manure for happy souls. Keep it up.
Kya baat hai! Ashaji ke is laajawab gaane ko bahut nazakat se gaaya hai.
Love it Deee.... soulful!!!!
Awesome...good Job K.
kya baat hai...totally loved it! WONDERFUL!
this sounds a lot more like the kaumudee i'd first heard sing in 1995.
you're nailing it, but i personally believe that you are capable of flying much higher.
awesome.. i need a drink now!
Kya baat hai!!! Awesome!! You know I love your singing/voice:-)
Gr8 job Kaumudee......as usual :) Cud actually visualize ur smiling face while listening to it :)
Gr8 job Kaumudee......as usual :) Cud actually visualize ur smiling face while listening to it :)
Wow, Kaumudee ji! Please do not take a hiatus again. The recording sounded great on my headphones, maybe not like a recording studio but good enough to relish. For me the highlight of the song were the giggles and hiccups and catching the right notes after that. Not easy. The mood was great. What chai were you sipping? Maybe us mortals should try the same to get some sense of sur into us. I enjoyed the antaras very much. For some reason, I could not hear the second one since the player kept cycling back. Thank you for posting this number and hoping for more (from your marathon). By the way I enjoyed reading your post too.
Regards and wishes - VN
I can only say that you sing much better than this. There were quite a few places where sur was not right, specially the alaaps. I am not a singer myself but atleast know when its right or wrong. Hope to hear better stuff than this.
Brilliant! Nice expressions....
Fabulous! Those murkis were amazingly rendered! - Ramesh
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